There are options with Midjourney to save GPU hours.
But do you know what's even better?
You can earn free hours by rating images created with Midjourney!
All you have to do is rank the pairs that you like most.
Quick Answer: How to rate images on Midjourney
1. Let's go to the Rate Images page by clicking this link here:
2. Now choose the image you like the most based on the prompts that the users provided to Midjourney. You can pick the one you like by either using your mouse and clicking on the image or pressing '1' or '2' on your keyboard.
3. After that, the process will repeat itself!

Let's review everything you need to know to earn free hours!
What is the Rate Images feature on Midjourney?
If you're a paid Midjourney subscriber, you can earn one free Fast GPU hour daily by rating images.
A bonus fast hour is awarded to the top 2000 raters each day!
If you have made it in the top 2000, you will receive this message from the Midjourney Bot:
You have been awarded 1 free fast hour of GPU time for making it to the Top 2000 users who've rated images in the gallery today!

All you have to do is to pick one of the two images you like the most:

After you have picked one, two new images appear to repeat the process.
And yes, sometimes you will see strange things as well when trying to decide which one to pick:

Ranking pairs on Midjourney: What to keep in mind
Before going over exactly how to rate images, here's what to keep in mind:
- Bonus fast hours expire 30 days from the date they are awarded.
- You must have an active subscription to participate.
- It's only for the top 2000 rates each day, so since Midjourney has more than 15 million users on its Discord server, it might take a few votes to get this reward.
- There's currently no leaderboard, so you won't know how many images you need to rate to be in the top 2000.

How to rate images on Midjourney
As you might have figured out already, rating the images on Midjourney is quite easy!
Here's how to start ranking pairs:
- Go to this URL and make sure you're logged in: - Now choose the image you like the most based on the prompts that the users provided to Midjourney. You can pick the one you like by either using your mouse and clicking on the image or pressing '1' or '2' on your keyboard.

- That's it! Now the process will repeat itself.
Here are a few other great things that you should know while rating images:
- If you think you made a mistake, you can always press the 'Undo' button in the top right corner to return to the previous two images.
- If you can't choose between the two, press the 'Skip' button in the top right corner.
- If you think one (or both) of the images is inappropriate, you can press the 'Report' button in the left top corner.
- Don't go too fast; otherwise, you will get the 'Please wait until both images are loaded before selecting.' error.
Using the Rate Images feature for prompt inspiration
This feature is also a great way to get inspiration for your next Midjourney prompt! Since Midjourney shows the image and the prompt that the user used.
Yes, sometimes the prompt is not fully visible, but you can use this tip here to find the full prompt!
Let's take this journal with a rabbit image as an example:

Here's the URL:
The bold part is the Job ID, which you can use like this to go to the Job page:
From there, you can view the full prompt and easily visit their profile to see what else that user is creating!
How to get your image showcased on the Rate Images page
For now, the main way to get showcased on the Rate Images page is to keep creating new AI images — more images equals more chance of appearing on this page.
More is currently unknown; they're actively changing how it works, so the fine details on how are a bit of a gray area.
If anything changes, we will update this article!
How to get more inspiration for your Midjourney AI images
Getting inspiration from the Rate Images feature is great, but what if I told you this isn't the only way to get inspiration for your AI-generated images?
There are a few more great ways to get inspiration!
If you're interested, check out our other guide here!
Now that you know about the Midjourney Rate Images feature and how to use it, you can start earning free GPU hours while also getting inspired for your own prompts.
Remember, all you have to do is rank the image pairs, and maybe you'll make it into the top 2000 raters of the day!
So go ahead and start rating those images on Midjourney!
If that leaves you with any questions, don't forget to leave your comment below.
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